Gluten, genetic modification, and growing practices are the most recurring topics that we receive questions about. For specific product information, please read the product descriptions in our online store. If your burning questions remain unanswered, please email us and we will get back to you personally.


What exactly is 'whole grain' flour? Is that like whole wheat?

This is one of the most common questions that we get. Whole grain flour, as defined by The Whole Grains Council, is made with "100% of the original [grain] kernel--all of the bran, germ and endosperm." This is rare in commercial flour--most flour is processed by roller mills, which separate the white, starchy endosperm from the bran and germ to produce light, white flour sans bran and germ. Most "whole wheat" flour is made by the same process, but with some of the bran and germ (or a synthetic approximation of the nutrients found in bran and germ) re-introduced to the white flour. In our stone grist mill, the entire cleaned grain enters the mill, is ground, and emerges out of the sifting screens in to the bag without any part ever separated. Our flours are not enriched, and have absolutely no additives. If our flour is sifted to remove bran and germ (as in the case of our Pastry Flour, or special-batch artisan flours), we make note of this in product descriptions.

Are your products non-GMO?

None of our products contain genetically modified ingredients, and we do not use any genetically modified seeds. Moreover, it is worth noting that there is currently no genetically modified seed commercially available for wheat, other cereal crops, or the legumes that we grow. That means that even though there is currently research in to the genetic modification of these crops, no seed has been made public and available to farmers. It is a rampant misconception that wheat in the food system is genetically modified. For us, the cost of non-GMO certification is absolutely prohibitive, so we concentrate our efforts on education and cutting through misinformation. If you have further questions or are interested in our statement following the discovery of GM wheat in Oregon, please contact us

Are any of your grains/flours gluten-free?

None of our products are certified gluten free, as everything is processed in our facility that mills and stores wheat and other gluten-containing grain products. That said, both teff and buckwheat are naturally gluten-free seeds, and our products are generally safe for those without diagnosed allergies who are avoiding or reducing gluten in their diets. Our Oat Groats and Scottish Oats can be eaten by most people avoiding gluten. We offer a number of specialty flours and whole grains with low gluten content or gluten structures more easily digested by those with wheat sensitivities–spelt and emmer can often be eaten by non-celiac individuals sensitive to wheat, and the low gluten content in barley and rye can expand grain options for those cutting back on wheat as a dietary choice. 

Are your products organic?

Some of them are! We have products that are grown conventionally, transitionally to organic and certified organic. Products are generally labeled as such, with certified organic products bearing yellow labels as opposed to our typical purple. Across all of our acreage, we practice IPM (integrated pest management), which is an ecosystem approach to crop production and protection that works to mitigate the need for chemical or organic pesticides and insecticides. If you have product-specific questions, please contact us

Do you do tours of the farm?

Every summer we offer farm walks, and we update our website and Facebook page seasonally to include the latest on-farm event information.

Do you have recipes for your products?

Plenty! We are working on getting them in to a user-friendly online format. If you're local, stop by the Schoolhouse Bakery and Store and pick up a recipe for your favorite flour Tuesday-Saturday 8-3.